
Hannah's Stats in Life

Every wonder what Hannah's stats are.....?
Here are just a few of them.

Sleeping 💤

Photos posted of her brothers sleeping43
Places (other then a bed) that she has slept1005
Fewest hours slept in a day0
Times sleeping arrangements were changed because she wouldn't stop talking2
Number of buildings on UNL's campus that she has slept in3

Outdoors 🧗

Number of roofs summited8
Most consecutive days without a shower7*
Times wanted to go to another state "bc ir's really close by"2
Times has been concussed from skiing1
Times thought "yeah I could climb that"who really knows
Number of Cotopaxi items owned4
Number of consecutive weeks spent outside with children (@campsonshine)10

*might be 8

Lets just call them Passions... 🌻

Number of days being a "horse girl"1460
(4 years)
Number of times been to Pla Mor15
Mobile games obsessed with for 1 week0
Mobile games obsessed with for 48 hours9
Number of Vines quoteduncountable
Total number of Husker football games attended wall attending UNLAll of them
Number of times taken her pet fish (Husker Joe) on a walk1

Random âš¡

Number of times clapped 3x in succession1,000,000
Times given an unsolicited story from her day500
Number of times her room has been covered in sticky notes1
Avg number of drinks (water, coffee, etc...) she has out and about3
Number of glasses she has broken in the wogtrap7
Number of times signed up for a free trial and then forgot to canceled it but then got a refund because she blamed it on her non-existent child2
Number of brothers3
Number of brothers that love her1 to 3

Have a submission?
Text: David Ryan @ (402)499-8715